You Can't Be Serious Tubby!

On Wednesday I read an article by the Herald Leader with Tubby's reaction to the AD issuing a statement of what Tubby said he viewed as a statement of support. You can find the article here. I strongly encourage you to read this article, I think it says a lot. When you do read it, pay close attention to the statement, “it always comes at this time of year” Geez Tubby, why would that be? Could it be that we’re always on the verge of ten losses? Could it be that we know that this year we aren't going to make the final four let alone win the title? Could it be that you have way too good of a team on your hands to get beaten 10 times this year and by the time the season is over with we'll have twelve losses? Sometimes I wonder what color the sky is in his world. Your coaching at the top basketball school in the nation and you don't know why "it always comes at this time of year". I was saying that you needed to be fired three years after the national championship because I could see everything that I love about college basketball going down the toilet with your style of play and choking the talent out of the players. That style may have been acceptable at Tulsa, maybe even at Georgia, but it's certainly not acceptable at UK. When you had three MickyD's All-Americans starting for you, you were still losing ten games, then you forced two of the three to go pro, one was forced back on to the team once he found out that he wasn't ready for the pros and that the mystery fax was found. Now we have three All-Americans on the team about to be seniors and one kid that hussles his butt off (Bobby Perry) and another kid that has the potential, under a new coach, to be the best point guard since Travis Ford at UK, I'm even going to venture to say that if our 6'5" point guard gets the right coach and some quality help around him, he could just be the best ever! Well, with that said, Tubby you gots to go!
On another note, I just learned that Joey Cecil has got himself a blog, I've taken the time to view all of the posts and Joey definitely doesn't dissappoint! So go check him out, the link is on the side with everyone else.
Now I got another rant. Last Saturday I went down to my brides hometown to see a high school game. I was informed that one of the players was being recruited by Lute Olson, Puke, the great school of UK, and some other among the elites. Well, what I was expecting to see was some super athlete take over the game and out shine everyone on the court. Instead what I saw was a kid make a view shots and then the refs put the kid on the foul line for no good reason, just to pad his stats. In the second half of the game I can only recall two three's that he hit, the rest were either unimpressive or all free throws. The way that he would get to the line so frequently is he would dribble on the perimeter, do a cross-over that involved the ball dangling in the air for a couple seconds (so everyone thought that he had to shoot because he picked up his dribble) but no, he would resurrect his dribble and get the corner so to speak and then the person guarding him would catch up to him and then he would just plow right into the defender, the ref would then blow the whistle and reward him with two free-throws. (If this had been a sub-par player the carry would have been called or if they didn't call that then they would call the charge.) This repeated itself numerous times throughout the course of the game and it got plenty old. At the end of the game his team was up by twenty and the other team obviously didn't want to foul, but the refs kept calling weak fouls to put this kid on the line. It was ridiculous! I got the Sunday paper the next day to check out the specials on Camcorders because no one seemed to want to help a brotha out with that purchase, and the love of my life asked me how many points I thought that kid ended up with and I replied with 30, I guessed again and said 25, guessed again with 35, finally she told me the kid had 49 points! That was the most unimpressive 49 points I had ever seen in my life. Joey aka Larry Legend could have had those 49 points, he only had one 3 that was highly contested that I thought that maybe Joey couldn't knock down, but other than that it was a complete joke! What is more, on Friday night this kid went for 57 points. This is officiating gone mad! They are making this kid a superstar without doing anything but shooting free throws and getting every call. He's not that good, he reminds me of a JJ Redick type player, can't do much for himself so he needs the refs to help him out to become a "superstar". This state should be ashamed of itself! For a fluff piece by the TulsaWorld about him read here.
Enough with that, I mention earlier in this post that I still don't have any suggestions from my techies, the only thing I got was from Joey saying that he likes his Sony. That's a great help, I'll take that into account, but I need some specifics, what pixel count, do I need a hard drive with the camera, what amount of zoom, blah, blah, blah, I just need some counsel with this big purchase, so can someone help me out!!!
Next we have old friend Algore, this rich dude and his global warming kick. The latest I've heard is that his justification for using so much energy is that he buys carbon offset credits. Well, this begs the question, from whom does he buy these carbon offsets? The answer is (drum-roll please) HIMSELF. The dude owns/is the chairman of a company in London with headquarters in D.C. that sells these carbon offset credits. So in essence the dudes message is, I can use as much energy as I want to because I am buying carbon offset credits, you should do your part too and buy these carbon offset credits as well because global warming is happening and we need to do our part so if you could just pay me that would be wonderful! What a joke/fraud! The national media isn't going to say too much about this because they are already campaining for him to get the Nobel Prize and his company to reach Bill Gates status. This is too comical! I guess you can always follow the money and it'll lead you to the proper rationale behind the words of actions of most people.
Thanks for stopping by, if anyone gets word from E-Walk as to his safety with all the tornadoes whirling around his way could you let me know, stop by and visit Joeys blog, you won't be disappointed. Finally, help a brotha pick out a camcorder!
Hey Barnes, I think you should check this camcorder out...I heard it's top of the line.
oops. let's try that again.
just cut & paste it.
Barnes... long time bro, and I'm very impressed w/the blog! E-Walk is doin' fine and I agree w/the rant on Tubby. 10 losses is not "acceptable" in Big Blue Nation. It's almost as though UK fans have become complacent with 2nd round losses every year. Sad.
Eric = Kansas Hater
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