Giving unto others
As I was listening to the Clark Howard radio program roughly two weeks ago, I was confronted with memories of my childhood. Clark, who is all about keeping us out of debt and avoiding being ripped off, was talking about the Salvation Army and how you could donate through his website and the money that you donate would stay in your community to help out hungry kids and buy Christmas gifts for many children in your area. This brought back the memories of one Christmas in particular where my parents definitely could not afford anything for me and my sister for Christmas but somehow at the last hour my dad came home with a 30 gallon bag full of toys for me and my sister. One toy in particular was the pogo-ball. The only reason why I remember this gift is because my sister brought it to my attention when I sought to verify this memory with her, truthfully until she brought up the pogo ball I couldn't remember a single toy that we got that Christmas, the only thing that I could remember is seeing that big ol' garbage bag being filled with toys for my sister and I and being overjoyed that instead of not getting even a stick of bubble gum for Christmas, we had the best Christmas that we ever had, probably even to this day! I say all of this not that you'll have pity on my childhood, I wouldn't trade it for anything, but that we can remember that we do not have anything that we haven't recieved, everything that I think I own is a gift from God, without His hand throughout our lives we would own nothing and would completely self-destruct. That Christmas when I was less than eight years old is what gives me a better perspective on how I can bring joy to others and possibly later on in life, whether the little rugrats like myself can look back and praise God for caring for them even when I never showed any inclination of caring about Him.
On another note, if anyone has heard from Jed about if he got to China alright please let me know, I'm a bit concerned about him traveling half-way around the world. If you don't receive a gift from me this Christmas it's only because my plans of taking over the world have been thwarted thus far, but when I do I'll send you a gift. Megs and I miss you all. Spread the joy and love of Christ this Christmas in any and every way. Thanks for stopping by and come back to visit soon! (I should be posting fairly regularly in the coming days for I got lots to say!)
Looking forward to the gift when you assume world domination, Fuhrer Barnes.
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