After multiple delays due to computer malfunctions I'm back and am calling on all my beloved TECHIES for help!
I have two items that I need help with. The first is a camcorder. I am in serious need of a camcorder but I have no idea what type to buy, what features to look for, etc. So I'm going to give $25 to the first person that can find the best deal on a camcorder that will last me about 5-7 years that won't cost me a fortune, plus will be easy for this computer idiot to operate. Think about it, an hour of your time for $25, I think it's worth it!
My second issue is, I have no idea how to make this blog any more attractive without occuppying my entire night. I want to figure out how to title my posts, get some cool pics on here, and make it overall more appealing to my audience, if anyone has some helpful tips on that it would be lovely.
On to some thoughts, well, let's start with the affirmative action post that I left you with the last time. I was reading some articles/posts by Justin Taylor and Mr. Ayabiakjdlajkd (I forgot his name but he's a popular black preacher/scholar. Anyway, him and Taylor were having a dialogue on Affirmative Action and Taylor was arguing against it, but the last entry I found on this a few weeks ago Taylor made some pretty good points, but he seemed to leave out the fact that in order for justice to be done the wrong has to be made right, that's the essence of repentance. If a retailer let's say Best Buy, sells you a dvd and the dvd they sold you doesn't work and you take it back and they just give their apologies and state there's nothing they can do about it, their apology has no effect except to enrage the buyer to higher amounts of anger! If they don't rectify the situation and make the entire transaction "right" then there is no justice and we can't say that Best Buy is truly sorry/repentent of their wrong-doing. Similarly if "White America", of which I'm a card-carrying member of, merely states that it is sorry for the wrong that has been done to "Black America", of which I'm also a card-carrying member of, and does nothing to rectify the situation by making things right, than there can be no justice and the apology is perceived as being insincere.
I welcome any thoughts on this.
On to the NBA, I can't say enough of how much I love watching the Phoenix Suns play the game I love! The team work, unselfish play, constantly sacrificing their stats for the sake of the team, it's incredible. I wish there was some place that I could purchase every game of this season on DVD so that I could show it to my kids and grandkids someday. It truly is a work of art.
On the other hand, All-Star weekend was terrible to say the least! I thoroughly enjoyed the Chuckster racing Dick Bavetta and the smooch at the end. I was super-nervous for Charles though, at the beginning of the race I thought that he was going to try to get DQ'd for having too many false starts. I seriously thought that he would lose, but I was hoping for the best and somehow he pulled it off! Congrats CB! Here's the YouTube of the Race, it's worth the time!
The race was the only thing that I wanted to watch during the weekend, I just so happened to watch the skills competition and the players effort was ridiculous, talk about just trying to make an appearance to get some free money. The Dunk competition was a scam as well. Dwight Howard jumping up to a couple of inches below the top of the backboard was ridiculous! And then to see the judges not even advance him to the finals. I know we all wanted to see what he could do with a few more dunks! And for little Nate Robinson, please NBA ban him from all future Dunk Competitions!Seriously speaking, throughout the week I DVR the Inside the NBA on TNT just so I can here what Charles and Kenny Smith have to say, it's great entertainment.
On UK, can we stinking hit a 3, they had me on the edge of my seat at the end of the Florida game, I really thought the Bradley three to tie it was going in. And how about the biased officiating in college basketball, once again the refs always have to keep teams in the game. On several occassions throughout the Duke losing streak one could clearly see Duke getting favorable calls at timely parts of the game just so it wouldn't get out of hand and Duke lose by 20. Then in the Duke at BC game, calls were still going Pukes way even when their playing an away game, the refs trying to keep McRoberts in the game and calling fouls on teammates that weren't even remotely close to being in the play just so McRoberts wouldn't foul out. Fouls being called on Dudley when they were clearly charges, it's just ridiculous folks, just ridiculous.
Back to All-Star weekend, the violence surrounding pro-sports is out-of-control! What business does any athlete have being at a strip club and with their girlfriend for that matter, how absurd is that? (This is referring to Pac-man Jones and the strip club killings) The thug-life shouldn't have any place in the life of million-dollar athletes. What fools!
Now back to Florida, how about the coach of Vandy slapping at Noah and not getting T'd up! In fact, Noah was pulled away and chastized by two chumps in zebra outfits while they said not a word to the coach! It all shows who wears the shoes in college sports.
What else, let's see, oh yeah, how about the people whom I'm going to be paying a boat-load of money April 17th spending countless hours discussing whether they should pass a bill saying they don't like something but aren't going to do anything about it. HELLO, I'm not paying you to waist time on something that is just an opinion, if you don't like the war do something about it, don't waist the tax-payers time by putting out some stupid bill that means nothing. When you're on the clock work, when you're off the clock you can find some stupid newspaper, tv station, or website that you can fuss about your disagreements with the war. If you aren't going to do anything about it than shut up and get to work. It's like calling Board Meetings to discuss the CEO but at every meeting we just sit around and talk about our disgust with what the CEO is doing and will never take a vote to get the CEO heading in the direction that we want the company to go in, it's a complete waist of the investors money!
I need to say, I fully, and I mean fully support the war, if there was ever a draft I would not hesitate to sign up and my thanks to all the soldiers that are presently serving.
Well, I think that I've rambled long enough for this one! Once again, $25 to anyone who aids in my successful purchase of a video camera. (I guess I should have a disclaimer, I'm only paying $25 to one person, not 20 people, just one, so the first person that can help gets it, the rest of ya's I appreciate the thought!)
Oh yes, I want to say a special thanks to those who have recently e-mailed me or given me a phone call, I really do appreciate it for it really gets lonely out in the Wild West!
Also, if you've taken the twenty minutes to read this entire post you need to head on over to E-Walks site and check his posts out, he's doing a terrific job over there! As well as Marky-Mark, when pressed for time, skip my blog and head on over to there's, you won't regret it like you are regretting reading this whole thing.
Until next time, stay out of trouble, thanks for visiting, and come back soon!
Brian, Big Cheez is always good at helping with technological products...but I have a sony camcorder that is great and has lasted for 5 years so far.
Next, you should use wordpress.com for your blogging. It is a lot more user friendly and visually stimulating. Also, making short, frequent blogs will increase readership.
I have a JVC Everio HardDisk Camcorder that I got for Christmas and like pretty well... but I'm for of a still photos kinda guy.
As a card carrying mexican I often wonder how far back you go with "reperations" I mean if your grandparents grandparents got ripped off by milk man one day does the milk mans great great grand kids owe you a nickel, plus interest plus inflation?
As a card carrying cuban I'm just happy to be in this country.
and as a card carrying white boy I stopped reading after the word NBA.
Oh, and as I card carrying blogger I recommend Wordpress also!
no wonder my wallets so phat, I'm carrying to many cards.
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