Comment on Joey's Blog

I just wanted to make a quick post and include my comments on Joey's blog so that we can discuss this furthermore. A special thanks for Joey for bringing this up for us! If you want to be able to understand my comments than visit Joey's blog first and then read the comments.
Oh yeah, a quick shot out to Big Cheez for having one of the most considerate blogs on the world wide web, he's a great kid!
Here's my comments.
A wise person once put on the top of Pogue Library, “The hope of democracy depends on the diffusion of knowledge.” I was contemplating Bruce-Bruce’s comments yesterday especially the latter part about so many being so stupid. In the defense of the dumb as a door knob if it weren’t for Piper’s sermon on this in January then I would have had no idea about the statistics of abortion. I think if this was given a public voice particularly in the black community than there would be outrage. But as it is now there is not a leader that is able to make their way on to BET or MTV that would make this message heard. In fact, I would be willing to bet that if someone did make it into the homes of the multitudes in the black community than the screen would go black or they would immediately cut to a commercial because liberal America wants to silence this message or in other words, make sure this knowledge is not diffused.
That’s about all I got. I’ll do some house cleaning now. The reason why I say BET or MTV is because the vast majority of blacks, including myself, don’t watch the news or surf the world wide web. Plus the sure-fire way to communicate this message to the majority is to get it on the television. The only person that I can see getting any play on BET and being able to speak the facts about abortion and be taken seriously is Denzel or somebody like Ludicrous or that pretty light-skinned fellow that got all the publicity about Bush doesn’t care about Black people during Katrina.
It’s kind of sad to think that a movie star or rapper that makes their money by degrading women or glorifying their “pimping” lifestyle is considered a person that the black population would listen to. What a dreadful state we’re in!!!
Good point Barnes. The masses need to be educated, but where is the leadership? Probably making their millions off the uneducated, and they want to keep it that way...or at least it seems. Liberal media has a liberal agenda, so pro-choice will always remain a woman's issue rather than a racial issue. The eugenic agenda started by Margaret Sanger continues on and the genocide is hidden by this feminist movement.
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