I still want to encourage my readers to chime in on the abortion issue, let's just say Brian loves dialogue!
Also, let me point you in the direction of a good ol' friend of mine many of you know, Stevo, he seems to post more frequently than some friends of mine not to name any names (Rob-dogg, Jed, and Brittany) oh did I say that, oops!
Another item, I still have yet to get a camcorder, can my techies help me out please? Jed, thanks for the picture of that camcorder but I need one that's a little more sophisticated than that.
On to the post.
Before you read this, please make the effort to visualize this happening to yourself on a consistent basis.
Since I was a youth I've been a creature of habit and I loved to form a routine. Structure in my day, especially my work day is always great! With this structure comes some pitfalls, for example: I don't take a lunch break because I have some goodies at my desk that I can munch on throughout the day to keep me going, but aroun one to two my eyes get a little heavy, so I'll meander over to the rest room to release some liquids from the bladder (I would never do the number two in a public toilet!). This is where the routine has some vital flaws. At least three times a week I'll enter the rest room and there will be some fat old man, rarely is it the same person, in the stall huffin' and puffin' making a big ole commotion trying to do number two. They are always stinking up the entire bathroom and breathing very heavily! What is more, they'll never give a courtesy flush, nor will they mind the manners of the bathroom. One of the bathroom etiquette's that they ignore is the main one, that if you are going to blow up the toilet, you don't show your face to those who are just tinkling, you wait for them to leave and then you leave never showing your face to anyone. I am so offended by this!
On a couple of occasions the person that blew up the toilet just flushed and walked out of the stall and left the rest room, he missed the biggest step, he didn't wash his hands!!! On one occasion, this fellow didn't wash his hands and then I saw him get some stuff out of the microwave, how disgusting! I'm guessing that now that I'm out west the memo containing all the bathroom etiquette hasn't made it out here. Myself, I seemed to have deleted it so if anyone could forward it to me please help a brotha out.

This may be cause for a drastic change in the routine. I've tried to adjust it by going to the restroom at about four thinking that it may just be a lunch thing, but this has been to no avail. I'm open to suggestions.
Oh yeah, could anyone tell me if Duke made into the tourney this year?
I ran across this a few months ago and I think it really puts things in perspective
Dude, it's been almost a month since your last post!
Yo! You have not posted in some time (Mar 17). However, I cannot say too much! I posted for the first time since Oct '06!
The world needs something fresh from the clean (ref. to your post about bathroom hand-washing) fingertips of Barnesy!
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