Thanks to all who commented, please keep the suggestions coming. None of us have it all figured out but we all can help each other (mainly me) figure some things out. Also, thanks to E-Walk for stealing my thunder on this post, the Lord works in mysterious ways!
I am going to attempt to, off the cuff, compose some ways that you can be certain that you aren't being considerate.
You aren't being considerate when you pull out in front of someone only to go noticeably slower than them.
You aren't being considerate when you are stopped at a light, others take off going the speed limit but you are going so slow two other cars and turn onto the road in front of you!
Of course, you aren't being considerate if you drive slow in the left lane.
But, you aren't being considerate if you drive just as fast as the person in the left lane in the slow lane, then no one can get by either of you!
You aren't being considerate if you don't use your turn signal to notify the person that is trying to turn onto the road that you are on that you are turning.
You aren't being considerate (and highly increase your opportunity to total your car and someone elses car) if you leave your turn signal on while driving down a two lane road.
You aren't being considerate if you are talking on your cell phone while driving, especially if you are going slow!
You aren't being considerate if you are driving irratically.
You aren't being considerate if you (this is going to be hard to explain) are at a stop light and are in your lane, but the person behind you is wanting to turn either right or left and can't and will miss the light because you are either not scooted up far enough or are either too far to the right or left of you lane to where they can't get by.
You aren't being considerate if you pull out in front of someone and immediately make a turn thereby causing the person that you pulled out in front of to come to a complete stop, but if you would have waited another .67 seconds you wouldn't have caused anyone to slow down but simply let them pass by!
You aren't being considerate if you let someone into traffic causing everyone behind you to miss the light (because the light stays on according to the sensor and not enough people were going over it/there was a huge gap in time of people going over it, so only you and the person that you let in get to go through the light.
You aren't being considerate if you are the person wanting to be let into traffic but you are ten feet away from the road, thus causing everyone to wait on you to get on the road so that they can proceed only to get stopped by the light because of you.
You aren't being considerate if you are let into traffic and you continue to let everyone else in because "someone was nice to you so you have to return the favor ten-fold"! Think of the multiple people behind you that you are holding up just because you want to feel good about yourself!
You aren't being considerate if you are the person that is wanting to make a right or left turn and the person in front of you has left you plenty of room to get by but you won't go by them, causing those behind you to miss the light.
You aren't being considerate if you slow down excessively to make an easy turn either to the right or left, causing everyone behind you to slow down and lose their momentum and miss the light.
You aren't being considerate if you won't turn left unless EVERYTHING has cleared thereby taking absolutely no risk at all, even though everyone behind you knows that if you would have went the first time you would have been fine.
You aren't being considerate if you see a Pizza Delivery driver, or any other person whose entire job consists of getting somewhere fast and this determines if they can feed their family or not, and still go slow. Please make every attempt to get out of their way or speed up to at least the speed limit!
You are not being considerate if you don't tip you delivery driver well! (The $1.50 that is called a delivery charge doesn't not go to the driver but to the store, for what you ask, I don't know, I assume it's to pay for the person that answers the phone when you call, but they would do that anyway even if you wanted to pick it up so I guess it's just to make the rich get richer and frustrate all the delivery drivers in the world, for they don't get paid for their gas, oil changes, or anything, if you don't tip them well, they lost money delivering you the items you ordered, thus you aren't being considerate at all!
You doubly aren't being considerate if you claim to be Christ's ambassoder and don't tip well! (This goes for any tipping, including restuarants, the door man, the ice cream shop that you frequent even when they haven't done anything to deserve a tip!)
This list was an abridged version, I reserve the right to post more on this topic in the future. I hope that all of you help the world by being more considerate in your day to day lives. Have a good rest of the day and frequent the links on the right.
Of note, Jed had a good/true life post, E-Walk is always great, Consumed-fantastic as always, Rob-dogg-wonderful, Lil-Brother Ricky is good as well.
P.S. If anyone knows of Big Cheez's e-mail address let me know, I needs to get ahold of him for a great idea I had.
Feel free to link to this post, pass it on to every inconsiderate person you know, print it out and share it at the dinner table during Thanksgiving and Christmas, whip it out on the Fourth of July! Do your part by spreading the word so that we can have more considerate people on the road!
Stay out of trouble and thanks for visiting!
bigcheez at gmail is his address with out making it vulnerable to spam bots.
Pugs Sightings at J&S Edwards.
And I laugh. A lot.
Yeah that was me.
I find it quite embarrassing to dine with cheap peeps who don't tip well, or make comments to the server like "WHOOPS, you forgot to fill my drink.. That's going to effect your tip young man, haha!!" That's not funny, whoever you are.
And if I may continue.. I find equally embarrassing to be with someone who feels it's his/her duty (usually his) to entertain the server (probably female in this example) with his extraordinary wit, humor, or excessive questions about the menu. If the server looks busy let 'em do their job.
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