I Speak the Truth not Fiction

Tuesday, November 28, 2006


My deepest apologies to all of my seven readers! No excuses just reasons why it was a little more difficult to blog. First and only, my lovely bride, in attempts to keep us out of the poor house, turned on the internet filter, so I couldn't access all of my beloved sites such as ebay and finishline and most importantly, it blocked me from blogging! Now I'm back and ready to post!

Before I get to it I need to give a shout out to, almost Dr., Rob-dogg, good post my friend! E-Walk as usually giving us something to worship the Father with.

I was driving home from a long day at the office and heard on the Sean Hannity show about a police shooting in NYC with a groom on his wedding day, you can check out some of the logistics if you want here.

I have a few thoughts on the issue. First thought, why is it that whenever I think of police I think of the stereotypical white male wanting to use his authority to make me feel inferior? In this particular case it was mostly minorities, black and hispanic police officers working undercover. They were (according to what they wrote about the events) attempting to prevent a drive by from occuring. It all sounds noble, putting themselves in harms way to prevent others from dying. Well of course this is what they wrote about themselves so who really can you believe? I hope you can trust the officers in this case but when they are the ones that get to give their side of the story one never knows if they are attempting to cover up anything or not. It's a sad day when there are shootings, people die who didn't have to, and you don't know who to believe. One thing that is more certain, if you don't hit a police officer with your vehicle (as the report says) and don't make vague statements i.e. "get it out of the car and handle this" in order to intimidate others (as the report says), you highly increase your chances of survival!

Saying that I'll say this. I have personal knowledge of crooked cop experiences. I really distrust them, although I know one good cop, my uncle, so I guess there's one in the world that I can trust. Most importantly, I have personal experience with people who have to right reports on things and many times their report varied from my report. I hope that Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton can shut their mouths a little bit and see that if anything this was minority on minority crime and nothing else. This is not a race issue! The only thing that race has to do about it is that if it were a white male shot to death by some cops on the eve of his wedding in NYC, Brian in Oklahoma would not know about it and Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton would not show their faces on every TV channel.

Well, that's my rants for the day. Soon to come, more BCS rants. Thanks for visiting, please accept my apologies with the fourteen days without a post, I admit I dropped the ball and it's my fault and I am truly sorry. I'll try my best to not let it happen again. Come back soon!


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