Odds and Ends
One quick question for you readers out there. Is the Haggard scandal as big or bigger than the Jimmy Swaggert scandal. I am not old enough, or maybe I am but just didn't care at the time, to remember anything about the Jimmy Swaggert scandal. Truthfully, I still don't know anything about the Jimmy Swaggert scandal, I don't know what he did, who he was, or anything of the sort. Kind of like this Haggard deal, I have no clue who he is, still don't know what he did, is it just buying drugs, a gay affair, who knows? Truthfully this all brings me back to a conversation with Dominic one day last year when we found out that the job that he has now came open because the counselor was caught at a high school wrestling match peeping at the boys in the locker room. We both knew the guy and knew that he was gay but never would have thought he would commit such acts. We both came to the conclusion that he is no worse than either of us for without the grace of God sustaining us than we would be exposed doing far worse than he. The same goes for both Haggard and Swaggert, both are professing believers like me (to my knowledge, I can't say for certain that Swaggert is for I don't know anything about him except for his name and probably am mispelling that) both are as dependent upon the grace of God as much as I, it just so happens that for Haggert and Swaggert, the Lord chose to hand them over to their lusts in order to make them more like Jesus. It's kind of odd how when I heard of what Haggard was accused of doing it made me sick to my stomach just envisioning the man with man massage that he did confess to having made me a little queisy inside. But knowing that if Haggard really is putting all of his faith in the death, burial, and resurrection of God's Son, than this happened for his good, literally, God chose this to be the best thing for him. How many of us would really welcome the exposure of our lives to this degree, but if the Lord deems it best for us let us rejoice in Him being faithful to us and leading us to repentance.
I'll have a post about my immigration concerns tomorrow, or should I say Wednesday. Until then, pray that I abide in Him one more day and that He would grant both Haggard and Swaggert greater holiness and more intimacy with the King.
Don't forget my initial question, it wasn't a rhetorical one, I really want to be able to put this into historical perspective. Thanks for your help and visit again soon.
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