BCS Outrage
First off, who cares if Notre Dame is whining about dropping in the poles, the bigger outrage should be that Tennessee is behind Cal in the BCS rankings! Before I say anything more, I HATE UT! (I was thinking about putting a link in for UT but then I realized I would have to visit their site and quickly changed my mind)For the integrity of the system and for anyone to take it seriously, how in the world can a team beat someone very very convincingly and lose to a team that is higher ranked than they were when they beat Cal, and they only lost by one point, and still be behind Cal in the rankings? This is an outrage! Why is this not being spoken of whatsoever? Yet still Notre Dame whines and they get television coverage, UT gets the shaft and not even a mention of it, ridiculous! I am not a Notre Dame hater, in some ways I normally lean toward Notre Dame, I like smardklalkjdlja however you spell his name! I even kind of like Weis but to have a network cover this as though it was a story and not cover the UT outrage is proposterious! I'm befuddled at it all, how does the best conference by far ALWAYS get shafted in the polls? This is very perplexing to me!
P.S. This post is for you B-Walk, as you can see I'm very impartial in my posts!
Oh yeah, did you see that "Consumed" left a comment on my blog, yup that's right folks, I'm blowin' up before your eyes. Just joking. Hope you all have a great rest of the day and thanks for checking out my rants! I promise to bring something of substance in my next post. And will someone please show me how to get the pictures to link from the internets, it's becoming fairly frustrating to me!
I've never been a big fan of college football, for those exact reasons. The best teams do not get credit, the terrible teams get to play in bowl games, and the players are always hurt. I don't like. But, I do like Notre Dame, and I also like watching Schamdaidfiaakia too (Cubs drafted him to pitch by the way). I wish college football would follow basketball, and just have a big ol' tournament, and let'em go at it.
I just want you to know that your blog is the only one in the world I currently read. Rather than laughing at me and saying I need to get out more, this is meant to encourage you. This stuff is great!
I don't know anything about college football, I'm more of a pro person. I do know that I hate Duke and Noter Dame, no matter what sport. You are right aobut the integrity of the system. I hear a lot of people complaining about U of L's ranking. They say that even though they are undefeated they don't play any good teams so the shouldn't be renked so high. What do you think? I also hope that Ohio State and Michigan meet at the end of the season, each undefeated, and Ohio State dominates Michigan. Tell me, am I in a dream world? It seems that this almost may be the real National Championship game.
You have displayed objectivity, sound reason, and integrity in this post. You have honored me and the Vol nation in demonstrating your respect for the greatest Athletic's Program in the country.
BTW, I am excited about this blog and the folks who are posting on it. Robin, Jeremy, and Fern, you are the coolest. Some of the best times of my life were with you guys. I'm excited to hear about each of you through different folks. Barnes, I am thrilled that this blog exists, and I'm looking forward to the breadth of your insight into Spiritual, Cultural, and Athletic matters. I can't wait to see you in the big town of Hayti. Also, I wanted to let you know that I am going to be staying with D.T. Whitaker next week. It will be the first time that I have seen him in three years. Peace!
Brad Walker
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