I Speak the Truth not Fiction

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Random Thoughts

It's been awhile folks! There is a great reason why it's been so long, that is because I've been waiting on some answers. I appreciate those who chose to help a brotha' out, thanks for taking the time for me. For the others...I hope you were spending your time reading some of E-Walks posts or some other productive thing instead of waisting your life on Youtube.

I do have an update for my techies, I have chosen a camcorder, it's a Sony Handycam DCR-SR82 . I think it was a good choice and I'm trusting that you'll let me know if it isn't!

Now on to some random thoughts. I was listening to John Gibson's radio show on the way home from dinner with my lovely bride and he was speaking of Bush going to Capitol Hill today to speak to some Senators about the amnesty bill and trying to muster up some votes. He played some clips from the media asking if Bush is officially a "lame-duck" President. My response to this stupid question is no, he is not a lame-duck President, he's just out of touch with reality. He doesn't get it that no American is going to support an amnesty bill without first getting the border secured. I'm impartial to the amnesty part of it, I just don't want to see history repeat itself like in '86 when they passed a bill on illegal immigration but didn't enforce the border back then, which gave us this problem now. If Bush would simply build us a fence or start enforcing the borders now than next year this time he probably would be able to pass this bill, but him being out of touch and thinking that some senator is going to get voted out of office the next time they have to run for re-election just because GW went down the street and talked to them is pure stupidity!!! I could say more but I think you get the jist of it.

Thoughts on the NBA... The playoffs were good up until the Suns got penalized for taking a few steps up the sidelines and Stern decided to hand the series to San Antonio. The best part of the playoffs were when Golden State was in the process of upsetting the Mavericks, it was probably the best TV that I watched this year other than the Michigan vs. Ohio State football game in which one bone-head play cost Michigan the National Championship!

One blurp about Lebron James, I can't stand watching him play! If you watch his off hand whenever he has the ball he basically assaults the person guarding him with that off-hand and then goes around them, it's an offensive foul just about everytime he drives, there's no way anyone can defend that. If I had to guard him, each time he hit me I'd hit him back and let the refs know what's going to happen if they keep on letting him take shots at me, at least that way I could create a little sense of uncertainty and possibly throw him off a little bit.

My bride has informed me that I haven't announced our pregnancy on here. We are due August 8th. We've pretty much decided on the name Gabbrielle and I'm going to call her Brei for short.

Also, other exciting news, not exciting for you but exciting for me and Megs, we are closing on a house this Friday!!! We are picking out floors, getting new furniture, and thinking about decorations so that can serve as another reason why I haven't blogged in awhile, but it's mainly the reason stated earlier!

Megs has agreed to let me ask all my friends for their favorite picture so that we can hang it up in our house and I can think of them each time I see it, just like right now hanging by my computer is a gift that Jed gave me for being in his wedding written in Chinese or Japenese or whatever foriegn language, but I look up and see it and think of Jed. If each one of you could just send me your favorite picture, it could be of you and you lucky lady or of Mt. Everest, it doesn't really matter, just any picture that you like, send it over to me at 3bbarnes at gmail dot com (so the spammers don't get me) and it'll be hanging up in the house. If you can't narrow it down just send them over and I'll chose.

I'll say that's it, but I got tons more to say, but don't want to bore you any longer. Don't forget, send me the pics and they'll be hung up or placed on the mantel in the house and I'll get to think of you all more often... it gets lonely out here!

Thanks for stoppin' by and have a good rest of the day!

P.S. Jed, if I don't call you in the next couple of days call me, I need to speak with you soon!

P.P.S. No one answered me about getting in touch with Christman to give him the graduation present.

P.P.P.S. Did anyone else graduate with him this year???

P.P.P.P.S. Watch this Algore video of him talking about George H. W. Bush back in '92. How can anyone take him seriously about anything?


At 2:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice post. But LeBron is still awesome and his attitude makes me want to watch the NBA. Kobe's makes me want to not watch. Megan is due in August...WOOOOO Barnes, that's real soon. Congrats. And Congrats on the new house. The Al Gore video is hilarious, thanks for the link. I'll call soon, and we can catch up a little bit more.

At 8:22 AM, Blogger Jeremy R. Edwards said...

Way to go on the house! Pink walls and teal carpet....nice.

At 1:53 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Wow... I'm only about a month and a half late reading this one. I guess I thought I had already read it every time I checked your site.
None the less, Congrats on the house and more importantly the baby. You know, if Megs can push her out a little sooner, say 2 days sooner, we could share a birthday. As for the house you should give us a little Virtual tour and post it on YouTube so we can all go waste are lives watching it.


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