I Speak the Truth not Fiction

Wednesday, May 23, 2007


Here's my promised post about life. My question to you all is as follows: What life/lives should we care about. How I came to this question is in the wake of finding out about the VTech slaughter I heard a clip of some Congressman saying (paraphrase) "We have a tragedy, a loss of life grave, and it's not somewhere over in Iraq but right in our backyard!" When I heard this dudes comment I was immediately offended because I felt as though he was somehow cheapening the lives of the troops that volunteered to die so that the Iraqi people could be freed from oppression. I then had to question myself and think, would it even matter if he was referring to a car bomb going off and it killed a bunch of Iraqis and Iraqi soldiers, would that make a difference in the offense that I should take to his comments. Is my Christian world-view supposed to differentiate between American lives and Iraqi, Somali, Chinese, German, or Ethiopian lives? (This isn't a rhetorical question! Neither are the questions to follow!) Where does the priorities lie? I know for instance that I naturally would care more about my wife, my unborn child, or my family or friends died than someone in Japan or any other part of the world, or even in the West end in Louisville, or North Tulsa. To what extent is a dead person a dead person and I should be affected by a sinner perishing without believing in their heart and confessing with their mouth that Jesus is Lord and trusting in Him for their salvation?

My second question I guess goes out to all the seminary folks. When Megs and I miscarried, did that child go to heaven or to hell? I know that this is an occasion to use Deuteronomy 29:29, but according to reformed theology and that life begins at conception, is the child that is breathing and living inside of Megs right now capable of sin. When she is squirming around inside of Megs' belly, is she being selfish in any way, is she giving praise to the King? Are all the millions and millions of kids that have been aborted worldwide going to heaven or because they have not breathed on their own and the umbilical chord been separated from their mother, are they not capable of sinning against the King of Kings?

I guess I could elaborate more on these questions but I think that you get my drift. If you take time to think about these things I'm sure you can come up with some more questions along these lines. If you have any insight into this, please help me out and try to answer these questions. Even if you don't know the answers feel free to think out loud here, no thoughts are considered stupid or inadequate to me, I just need some help with these questions and there isn't too many people out here that I know can contribute much in answering these questions so I'm leaning on you peeps for some help!

As always thanks for visiting and come back soon! (I'll hopefully have some more thoughts for you all).

Here are some more good blogs that I've found on the internets that I think may interest a few folks.


Reformingchurches (it's mostly black churches)




Jed, I've been meaning to call you recently, I'd love to hear your voice but I fear that you are either very busy or out of the country, hopefully we'll talk soon! Joey and Bruce-Bruce, I've seen you all signed in to Gmail here recently but have been too afraid to shoot you a line, hopefully someday I'll work up the courage for I'd love to hear from you all, I miss you both. Russell on the other hand, are you ever signed in to Gmail??? I'm curious about the first year and how it's went for you, I'm very happy for you!

Well, thanks for stopping by and hopefully I'll have some more posts when you stop by again the next time.

P.S. Does anyone know how I can get a gift to Jonathan Christman? I heard that he graduated seminary this semester and I got saw this figurine on-line and couldn't pass it up, but now it's at my house and it needs to be at his so that he can enjoy it but I don't know how to get it to him. If anyone knows how to get in touch with him that would be wonderful!

Please, please, please help with answering my questions! Talk to you later.

Covered by the blood,
Brian Barnes

P.P.S. Thanks for cooking again Megs, it was great!


At 12:01 AM, Blogger Eric said...

Nice post Brian - I often struggle with the same questions.

What life should I care about? That's so hard. I go to a big church, and when I get emails about a man I don't know requesting prayer for another person I don't know, I honestly have a really difficult time. And should American lives lost in Katrina hurt me more than lives lost in a tsunami thousands of miles away? Not at all. I really think we should care about all life - and mourn and pray accordingly, but I ultimately will fall short.

And yeah, I really don't know how to answer the miscarriage question (one I've had to wrestle with myself) other than the fact that I know what God does is right and for his glory - and we're not given the answer to everything.

At 4:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll "chime in" since it is something I have thought about a bit.

I'm going to skip the first question because my fingers are tired and I don't want to write a novel right now. lol/.

As for number two...
I believe some babies go to heaven and some go to hell. I think God is sovereign enough to change a babies heart when ever he feels like it. Jesus said we need faith like a child and I don't believe that he meant a child of a certain age. But on the other side of the coin, I think some (if not many) children go to hell. I believe I've seen children that are literally possessed by demons (not intending that as a joke). I believe only God truly knows the condition of the heart and I think he is big enough to save babies but just enough to send them to hell.


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