Speaking Out

There are some things in life that when you see them you just have to openly condemn it right away! Kids, especially skater kids in tight jeans is one of them. I saw this on a daily basis when living on Bardstown Road and I saw this again about a month ago and I must publicly condemn this. It is abhorrent and just not right! Boys/men are not meant to wear womens clothing! One of my wifes coworkers while we where living in Louisville wore womens jeans and when she was weirded out by this he asked her if I wore girls jeans, she appropriately responded by telling him that I would never have given it a thought to wear womens jeans, he responded by saying, "He's not a true Highlander then." How pitiful is our society when twenty-something year old men think that it's fashionable and cool to wear pants of the opposite sex! How silly would you feel walking in to a dressing room with a pair of womens pants and trying those suckers on, it's just all together sickening! I think I've painted too vivid of a picture for myself and I need to switch topics real quick!
On a better note, I recently got my Ronald Jenkees cd and boy was it a good day! The cash is worth it just for the signed copy of the classic picture of Ronald! If you haven't made the purchase you should because it will put a big smile all over your face!
On to the Senator Craig story, using my common sense gut feeling I'd have to say that he's guilty just because of this minor (but very important) detail. They said that he put his bag on the floor as to cover up any visibility from the outside of the stall. This means that the dude put his carry-on bag on its side in a public restroom! This is disgusting to say the least, and I don't even have to mention that it would have been easier for him to handle his business if he left the carry-on upright because it would give him more room to stretch out his feet. This makes me conclude that he did it, if they wouldn't have included this detail than I would be extremely likely to believe the dude but that bag on a pee-infested floor made his story almost unbelievable! This leads me to another thing I must speak out against...using public restrooms to do the #2, especially for men in particular. I can't tell you how disgusting this is, no matter how many rolls of toilet paper you put on the seat you know that someone has taken pleasure in peeing on the seat that they know you will be stupid enough to sit on! Not only will you sit on it but you'll hang out their, how sickening!
I guess I'll end on that note and get some sleep! Don't forget that there is a post below this so if you didn't know now you do.
Stay out of trouble and don't be a stranger!
what about "straight leg", or "slim fit"? are they ok?
Two things I'd like to consider on this Labor Day:
1.) How can a man fit into a pair of women's jeans in the first place?
2.) Concerning Senator Craig, my first thoughts when I read the story was, "What exactly can two men do in adjacent bathroom stalls?," or "What would I have done if I saw a hand waving at me coming from an adjacent stall...dear, I'd probably break it off the arm."
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