I Speak the Truth not Fiction

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

It is a complete fallacy to think that I am going to be as faithful to this blog as Tim Challies is to his. It is also a fallacy to think that I am going to say anything that is going to damage my reputation of living in reality, as opposed to never-never-land. Let's see, what else is a fallacy? It's a fallacy to think that I believe I have life figured out, there are tons of things that I don't know, I'll try to stay away from speaking on those things and stick to what I do know. I do know the King. I do know how you can come to know Him as well. I am told that I do know how to be an offense to those around me, and for that I am truly sorry. I wish I was born a kind, gentle person, but for some reason the Lord had a perfect plan for me to be extremely rough around the edges and through that He is going to mold me into His image, what a glorious thought. Some that know me would say, yes, if God can change this brute into the image of His Son than He does reign on high. I feel the need to make a disclaimer before I begin with any real posts.

Though I may come off as being proud or cocky as often times I am accused of being, that in no way is my heart or desire. I desire to be humble and seek not my own glory or accolades but to bring glory to Jesus and His Father. End Disclaimer.

The stipulation of this blog is that I will blog as long as I receive comments. Refer to my very dear friend's blog at jeremyandsunny.blogspot.com, he wrote a good post on this topic. Thus if there are no comments, there will be no blog, remember this for days, months, and maybe years down the road. I do withhold the right to blog even when there aren't any comments though, if I feel I have some things I need to say about a particular topic I'll post about it.

I think that's all I want to say for now, I still need to finish up creating this whole blog.

Also, a quick shout out to my friends, Robin, Jed, Doug, Joey, and all the others that I have left out. And congratulations to Bethany Dowdy for snatching up Joey off the market, he's a keeper!

I'll give you all a real post later on after I set this thing up, I ask for patience, please bear with me!


At 8:30 AM, Blogger Jeremy R. Edwards said...

Welcome my friend. I look forward to your outbursts of anger towards NCAA refs, Oklahoma drivers, and your synopsis on wacko people on TV, athletes, and other celebrities. But most all, I look forward to seeing one day in the future, the post titled, "The Day I Became a Cowboy".....

At 3:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm truly impressed! Big-Bri the Blogger. How exciting!! I'm not a brave as you to start a Blog. I would probably ruffel too many feathers and further reduce my chances of ever getting married. Either that, or some girl would have pitty on my because I spell like a third-grader and she would fall madly in love with me! All this to say I will put you on my favorites so I will check you out regularly!

At 8:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Barnes, It's Carnes... Just wanted to say I will try to read up on the blogs and really miss you.


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