I Speak the Truth not Fiction

Tuesday, October 31, 2006


I really am torn up about the illegal immigration issue. First off, the mere fact that we want to call them "undocumented workers" immediately sends up several red flags. Second, it seems like such a black and white issue, you have broken our laws and you didn't go through the process to become a citizen, you must go. It just seems like the right and just thing to do and keeps me feeling safe and secure knowing that my government is trying to screen who gets to set foot on our soil. On the radio today here in Tulsa I heard a news rift something about some government leaders asking contractors not to hire undocumented workers. What in the world is going on? My government is asking, I repeat, asking employers to not do something that is completely illegal. It's like asking a drug dealer to not prey on the poor and have little kids be lookouts for them, it just isn't right! I think there must be more to this issue but I am struggling to see it. It seems so black and white to me that I can't begin to even listen to anyone elses point of view because it's so obvious to me and this frightens me. I feel like throughout my life, because of the circumstances that I grew up in I am more slanted away from the poor and needy and compassion and thrive on justice. In saying this, I really like to know what point of view Christians should have that are called to be not only to love righteousness but to love mercy just as much. I want to know how I should react lovingly to my neighbor who is fighting to stay in the USA but is in clear violation of our laws. These are not rhetorical questions, I really want to know. If anyone can offer me a bit of advice I'm not hard to find, you probably got my number and if you don't just ask and I'll give it to you.

This is a wonderful song and a great way to end this post.

Now may the Lord reveal His face and teach our stammoring tongues to make His sovereign reigning grace the subject of our songs. No sweeter subject can invite a sinner's heart to sing, nor display the glorious right of our exalted King.
Grace reigns to pardon crimson sins to melt the hardest hearts and from the work it once begins it never once departs. No sweeter subject can invite a sinners heart to sing nor display the glorious right of our exalted King. The World and Satan strive in vain against the chosen few, secured by graces reign they all shall conquer too. Twas grace that called us home at first, by grace thus far we've come and grace will help us through the worst and lead us safely home.

(Some of the words may not be the original 'cause some of them I can't discern.)
Thanks for visiting and come back soon and help a brotha out, I need you peeps!

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

BCS Outrage

First off, who cares if Notre Dame is whining about dropping in the poles, the bigger outrage should be that Tennessee is behind Cal in the BCS rankings! Before I say anything more, I HATE UT! (I was thinking about putting a link in for UT but then I realized I would have to visit their site and quickly changed my mind)For the integrity of the system and for anyone to take it seriously, how in the world can a team beat someone very very convincingly and lose to a team that is higher ranked than they were when they beat Cal, and they only lost by one point, and still be behind Cal in the rankings? This is an outrage! Why is this not being spoken of whatsoever? Yet still Notre Dame whines and they get television coverage, UT gets the shaft and not even a mention of it, ridiculous! I am not a Notre Dame hater, in some ways I normally lean toward Notre Dame, I like smardklalkjdlja however you spell his name! I even kind of like Weis but to have a network cover this as though it was a story and not cover the UT outrage is proposterious! I'm befuddled at it all, how does the best conference by far ALWAYS get shafted in the polls? This is very perplexing to me!

P.S. This post is for you B-Walk, as you can see I'm very impartial in my posts!

Oh yeah, did you see that "Consumed" left a comment on my blog, yup that's right folks, I'm blowin' up before your eyes. Just joking. Hope you all have a great rest of the day and thanks for checking out my rants! I promise to bring something of substance in my next post. And will someone please show me how to get the pictures to link from the internets, it's becoming fairly frustrating to me!

Sunday, October 22, 2006

I need some counsel

First, I need to address some questions. I would like for the zebras to have some sort of penalty system for themselves, like a bad call, be penalized with a loss of one paycheck, a bad call that costs the game loss of four paychecks. They should be held to some sort of accountability! Another gripe before I post about what I intended, there was a play in the first half of the Michigan vs. Iowa game this weekend where it looked as though our UofM player juggled the ball but gained control of the ball before falling out of bounds. ABC let us watch the play multiple times before Michigan hiked the ball again and it was apparent it should have been reviewed! What is more, the very next play we catch the ball for what could have been a touchdown but our players foot lands out of bounds, it wasn't even remotely close, and the crappy thing is, the stupid refs decide to review that play! If this would have cost us the game I would be a lot more heated about it but seriously, if the play is close, REVIEW IT! Earlier in the football season, I forget what game it was, there was a play where they didn't know if it was a fumble or not, one official said fumble, one said it wasn't, so the refs on the field did the right thing and huddled about it and made a call, it was the incorrect call, but at least they attempted to do the right thing and huddle up about it. Now I remember it was Maryland vs. West Virginia. The ref in the booth didn't review it!!! This is outrageous! If two refs on the field are in obvious disagreement about it you have to stinking review it upstairs, that should be automatic! Well, enough on that and back to my real blog.

As some of you got the e-mail, I recently got the free download of Derek Webb’s cd entitled, “Mockingbird”. I really don’t know how to react to it. I will tell you that it’s sound is so good I can’t get it out of my rotation. I bought two new cd’s but in the recent days the only cd’s that I really have a desire to listen to is “The Gadsby Project” and “Mockingbird”. I have no qualms with any songs on the former, it’s the latter that I am concerned with. Some of his lyrics just don’t sit well with me. At times he just seems to push passivism too much. One of the lyrics is, “I will protest the sword if it’s not wielded well, cause my enemies are men like me.” And, “Peace by way of war is like purity by way of fornication, it’s like telling someone murder is wrong and then showing them by way of execution.” It just seems so wrong to think that a nation should not wage war against peoples that are going to give their lives to hurt us. With these few lyrics he ruins the entire cd for me. There are multiple good songs on the cd but throughout the whole thing I can’t stop myself from thinking of what bent he is making with his lyrics. The cd as a whole sounds wonderful, even the song that I cited has a beautiful sound to it and is very appealing. In reading the http://consumedblog.blogspot.com/2006_08_01_consumedblog_archive.html
blog, which I highly recommend, I’ve never met the fella but in the three months that I’ve been reading his blogs he’s been very thought provoking, plus he’s a basketball fan, although if he’s a Dukie, IU, or UT fan than I remove my endorsement of him if he’s one of those he is evil and bad for society. But in one of his series of posts a few months ago he addressed Christians and the arts and stated that we should do them and do them very well, of which I agree, but I don’t have one artistic bone in my body except to know when I hear good music and “Mockingbird” contains some good music, every song is very good. Just like I immediately recognized when my father played Stevie Wonder, Earth, Wind, and Fire, and had me skating to LL Cool J’s “I’m Bad” that these are some good tunes and later I heard “Licensed to ill” and immediately recognized why they sold multiple millions of copies of that one cd, likewise, “Mockingbird” and “The Gadsby Project” should be selling millions of copies for they produce wonderful tunes. I wouldn’t recommend “Mockingbird” as a gift to someone who is easily swayed in their beliefs because the way he packages his music it’s very seductive and could easily mislead the young in the faith. I would highly recommend giving “The Gadsby Project” to any of your friends, it’s been my favorite, besides Stevie, ever since I owned it. Finally, I’ll refer you to another bloggers post way back when, he titled it, “Can I have my broadband width back” I don’t remember what he spoke of in that post but it had some interesting things to say about “Mockingbird”. If anyone can offer any counsel to me on how I should view this cd it is surely welcome! Thanks for visiting, come back soon, and don’t be a stranger!

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Whom I despise Part Uno

Hello all, I guess for my first post I need to state that I intensely despise referee's, umpires, line judges, zebras whatever you want to call them, I despise them all. For the sake of this post I'm going to refer to them as refs. Tonight while watching a brief, and I do mean brief stint of the NLCS I saw Albert Pujols strike out all because some stupid ref wanted to extend the strike zone to about the dirt. Words can't express to you how much I despise the Cardinals, but I also hate seeing the game not being called fairly. I'll date back to a play that we all can recall, at least all Michigan fans can recall. It's the National Championship game, in overtime, Ohio State needs a touchdown to win the game and it's fourth down. There is a mystery pass interference call and the stinking Buckeyes win the National Title having 7 opportunities to win the game, ridiculous!

I guess this most recent outrage of mine comes in seeing the second half of the Bears vs. Cardinals game Monday night. There was a punt in the second half that was kicked from the near hash mark (the left side of the field) where it lands at most one foot out of bounds at the far right sideline on the 4 and 1/2 yard line. This stupid ref marches his but up to about the 16 yard line! This is physically impossible! It didn't make any difference in the game but as you can see by my memory of it I can't stand refs and I hate it when they have to leave a mark on the game and try to influence the outcome.

Another brief example for you soccer fans. Theirry Henry scores a goal where the goalie and defender are within three feet of him, the referee is out of position and the line judge is about 30 yards away. The ball bounces up and hits him in his stomach and he puts it in the back of the neck. Neither the goalie nor the defender put up there hands as though there had been a violation as would any normal soccer player that just had witnessed a hand ball, but the stinking out of position referee calls him for a hand ball and nullifies the goal, Henry loses the match because of that ridiculous call! What an outrage! Directly after the call is made by the ref Henry asked the goalie if he saw him hand ball it and he chuckles as if to say you got hosed man, the injustices that these refs make are proposterious! They cost a team the game, I propose, they do something like that they should be fired! That's your only purpose out there is to get the call right, if you can't do it you shouldn't be out there!

I'm sure there are plenty more examples that I can think of but I don't want to waste any more of your time. Soon to come, which teams that I like and which teams I despise. Stay tuned folks and thanks for visiting, come back soon!

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

It is a complete fallacy to think that I am going to be as faithful to this blog as Tim Challies is to his. It is also a fallacy to think that I am going to say anything that is going to damage my reputation of living in reality, as opposed to never-never-land. Let's see, what else is a fallacy? It's a fallacy to think that I believe I have life figured out, there are tons of things that I don't know, I'll try to stay away from speaking on those things and stick to what I do know. I do know the King. I do know how you can come to know Him as well. I am told that I do know how to be an offense to those around me, and for that I am truly sorry. I wish I was born a kind, gentle person, but for some reason the Lord had a perfect plan for me to be extremely rough around the edges and through that He is going to mold me into His image, what a glorious thought. Some that know me would say, yes, if God can change this brute into the image of His Son than He does reign on high. I feel the need to make a disclaimer before I begin with any real posts.

Though I may come off as being proud or cocky as often times I am accused of being, that in no way is my heart or desire. I desire to be humble and seek not my own glory or accolades but to bring glory to Jesus and His Father. End Disclaimer.

The stipulation of this blog is that I will blog as long as I receive comments. Refer to my very dear friend's blog at jeremyandsunny.blogspot.com, he wrote a good post on this topic. Thus if there are no comments, there will be no blog, remember this for days, months, and maybe years down the road. I do withhold the right to blog even when there aren't any comments though, if I feel I have some things I need to say about a particular topic I'll post about it.

I think that's all I want to say for now, I still need to finish up creating this whole blog.

Also, a quick shout out to my friends, Robin, Jed, Doug, Joey, and all the others that I have left out. And congratulations to Bethany Dowdy for snatching up Joey off the market, he's a keeper!

I'll give you all a real post later on after I set this thing up, I ask for patience, please bear with me!