I Speak the Truth not Fiction

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Speaking Out

There are some things in life that when you see them you just have to openly condemn it right away! Kids, especially skater kids in tight jeans is one of them. I saw this on a daily basis when living on Bardstown Road and I saw this again about a month ago and I must publicly condemn this. It is abhorrent and just not right! Boys/men are not meant to wear womens clothing! One of my wifes coworkers while we where living in Louisville wore womens jeans and when she was weirded out by this he asked her if I wore girls jeans, she appropriately responded by telling him that I would never have given it a thought to wear womens jeans, he responded by saying, "He's not a true Highlander then." How pitiful is our society when twenty-something year old men think that it's fashionable and cool to wear pants of the opposite sex! How silly would you feel walking in to a dressing room with a pair of womens pants and trying those suckers on, it's just all together sickening! I think I've painted too vivid of a picture for myself and I need to switch topics real quick!

On a better note, I recently got my Ronald Jenkees cd and boy was it a good day! The cash is worth it just for the signed copy of the classic picture of Ronald! If you haven't made the purchase you should because it will put a big smile all over your face!

On to the Senator Craig story, using my common sense gut feeling I'd have to say that he's guilty just because of this minor (but very important) detail. They said that he put his bag on the floor as to cover up any visibility from the outside of the stall. This means that the dude put his carry-on bag on its side in a public restroom! This is disgusting to say the least, and I don't even have to mention that it would have been easier for him to handle his business if he left the carry-on upright because it would give him more room to stretch out his feet. This makes me conclude that he did it, if they wouldn't have included this detail than I would be extremely likely to believe the dude but that bag on a pee-infested floor made his story almost unbelievable! This leads me to another thing I must speak out against...using public restrooms to do the #2, especially for men in particular. I can't tell you how disgusting this is, no matter how many rolls of toilet paper you put on the seat you know that someone has taken pleasure in peeing on the seat that they know you will be stupid enough to sit on! Not only will you sit on it but you'll hang out their, how sickening!

I guess I'll end on that note and get some sleep! Don't forget that there is a post below this so if you didn't know now you do.

Stay out of trouble and don't be a stranger!

Gabbrielle Ann Barnes

Born 8/7/07 at 7:36am weighing in at 8lbs. 10oz. measuring 20 1/2 inches. She's a delight to care for despite my selfishness and laziness. For those who have not had this experience yet it will reveal who you really are and what your heart really looks like, thus kids are not recommended if you want to stay just the way you are! Also, it is recommended that if you haven't married yet that you find a spouse that is going to be extremely forgiving and understanding that is willing to make up for and forgive all the flaws that you have, if you don't find a spouse like this your life will be miserable!
You probably can't tell by the picture but her eyes are blue, her hair at first was jet black but now has changed to a lighter brown. Everyone who has seen her has remarked on how long her fingers are, hopefully she'll one day be able to palm a basketball, something her daddy could never do. That's about all the information I got on little Brie. Oh yeah, she was whispering in my ear the other day how happy she is that her daddy's sister was getting to come and finally meet her this weekend and her daddy's parents were going to see her the following weekend. But she was also telling me how excited she is for her daddy that he is going to get to go see one of his very bestest friends in Chicago and hopefully root her Cubbies on to victory and cheer his heart out for da Bears. She can't wait to hear the stories and the updates on how Jed and Sunny are doing as well as Pam and D and Little D and Chris. She's hoping to hear the good news that Cooper a few months ago took a trip down to Virginia to stay with Mr. Vick for a few days but was unable to make the trip back to Chicago. I'm hoping to not dissappoint my beautiful daughter with all of my stories that I get to bring back to her!
On another note, her first music that she has ever heard is a John Pettit Cd that I made, entitled "The Best of Pettit" it's wonderful and I'm super excited to let her hear Johnboy belt out the classics so that she can one day learn to sing praises to her King in the same way!
One may be wondering why this is the first real post in a couple months, this may be because I've been patiently awaiting a picture to be sent to 3bbarnes at gmail dot com so that I can hang it up in my house, but apparently no one cares enough about the person that speaks the truth not fiction to send one over, so I had to hold out, but after a few touching phone calls I decided not to punish you folks any longer. Soon to come are some posts that I just have to get off my chest, they may be about some outdated issues, this being due to my patiently waiting for some pictures. Oh yes, finally I have gotten an updated address for Jonathan Christman so those of you that were desparately searching in your crackberries and black books can stop!
Hopefully there's more to come and if you want some more pics of Brie than just drop me a line.
Note to Rick (formerly Lil' Brother Ricky) I say formerly because I don't want to be that jerk that constantly refers to a friend in a demeaning fashion so if Lil' Brother Ricky is still ok I'd like to use that because I like the ring to it. Anyways, I like the comment about the video tour of the crib, but I have to hold off on that until I get everything straightened out in here and until I get the security system installed, that way I don't get jacked after some creep takes a peek at the video, but hopefully it will be coming sooner rather than later!
Note to Dr. Rob-dogg: I tried to send you some picks put that mailerdaemon guy sent them straight back to me, go figure!
You all be safe and don't drive slowly in the left lane!

Monday, August 06, 2007

First Born

I promise to post more later, but I just found out that Megs and I are supposed to come in to the hospital tonight so that Megs can be induced into labor. It isn't that big of deal I'm told, Megs' fluids were just a little low and the doc didn't want to chance it. If you get the opportunity please pray for our childs health and most importantly, her future hope in Christ!

Talk to you all later!