The Barnes' are coming, the Barnes' are coming
This post is just to confirm the numerous media reports that the entire Barnes Family is coming to Louisville, KY the week from 6/13/08 through 6/16/08. If anyone would like to see us during that time, my only plans are to attend a North Bullit's High School graduation on Saturday 6/14/08 and attend church at Immanuel Baptist Church on Sunday, 6/15/08, and hopefully play a spirited game of Ultimate Frisbee afterwards. Other than that, our schedule is open, please book time in advance for you know that Young Briezy is a very popular gal as well as her Momma!
Other than this trip, there isn't much to speak of going on, just working and kickin' it with the love of my life and our offspring!
Since nothing much is going on, I am going to take the time to comment on the elections, Favre retiring, and how proud I am of four of my comrades!
B.H. Obama is a joke! He has one message, and I could speak on that and so could McCain, "Change". Anything would be a "change" from Mrs. Bill Clinton! If that's all he's got, which it appears that it is, than he's very pathetic. I was listening to the radio today and one caller made a good point, "You wouldn't marry someone you just met, why would you vote for them to be your President than?" Until last year I never heard of Obama, so what makes him more qualified than my good friend Jed, whom I'm very proud of? He's had breakfast with the most powerful man in the world last month, he also visited with a powerful Senator last month, so what makes him any different than B.H. Obama? Personally, I'd like to see Jed in the White House, at least he wouldn't be for killing kids! In all honesty though, I am rooting for B.H. Obama to win tonight, just so I can rest assured that Mrs. Bill Clinton isn't in the White House, but B.H. Obama better lose to McCain for the sake of all the kids that B.H. Obama wants to murder! But enough on the elections.
Favre Retired: Finally! He was a great player, but the off-season can finally return to some sense of normalcy now that he's made his decision.
On to the friends that I'm proud of: Jed, for above mentioned feats in his career which is very promising (don't forget your roomie on your rise to the top!). Soon to be Dr. Rob-dogg for successfully completing another semester towards his doctorate! Lt. C.D. Carnes, MS for getting the gig and the job assignment that you wanted, what a good kid! Finally, Joey Cecil, I'm extremely proud of this fine gentleman! He graduated seminary and, Lord-willing, is heading over seas with his loving bride to serve the King! What great pals I have! If we can all take a moment and thank God for the accomplishments of these lads.
Finally, below I've linked to a few posts that intrigued me, the first two for one of my beloved pals that is an Obama supporter and a global warming believer (I would have linked to an article that had "experts" stating that global warming is a hoax because those same ice caps that were "thawing" have gained twelve feet of ice which over compensated for all the "thawing" that your SUV is causing, thus proving that IT'S A HOAX!!!).
The last post is for myself, I really enjoyed it especially being in what feels like the center of the Prosperity Gospel Universe in Tulsa, OK. It is idolatry! and praise to our God and King for opening my eyes to see Christ as my Lord and Savior, I pray that he would do the same for those around me and those in other nations.
I'll give you some pics of Young Briezy because I know that's what the majority of you folks want to see anyway!