My Journeys
It's been awhile hasn't it! I am happy to learn that one of my good friends has just graduated seminary and is currently working on his application to the IMB. As I have come to know this is a huge undertaking that requires a lot of time and effort, but the reward is great and if I had a say in it he would have already been overseas, well, not really, if I had a say in it he would be in Tulsa, OK from now until I die. After I die he can move anywhere he choses!
Where to begin? I guess I'll start with my travels to Chicago to surprise Dominic for his Christmas gift from Amie. She gave him, Jed, and I tickets to the Bears game against the Saints. It was cold at Soldier Field but not near as cold as it was the previous week when the Bears played the Packers! It was a great time to be with friends! What was also great was seeing Owyn in person, what a cute kid! If you haven't seen pics of the little thug, check out Jed's blog and follow the links there, he's a cute gangster! Before I say much more, I have to thank the Carnes family for the tics to the game and the excuse to see everyone again, it was a fantastic weekend adventure!
One of the highlights of the trip was driving down Lakeshore Dr. going to the airport at 5:00am groovin' to some Ronni-Ron!I must say that Young Briezy enjoys waking up with poppa and jammin' to some "Snap" and "Derty"! I told Briezy that Ronni-Ron was working on another cd and she couldn't stop smilin'!
Now on to some politics. I just voted today and I cast my ballot for Mitt. I must say that I'm not pleased with Huckabee. He is withfully handing over the nomination to liberal McCain and hoping to get the VP from him which isn't cool! He's playing the role of the 2nd guy in the class elections that's great friends with the only girl running and is just trying to split the guy vote so that the girl can win.
On to sports, a lots went on in the past few months! We'll go with the most recent, how 'bout them Footbal Giants!!! I was rooting for them primarily because Osi Umenuora (however you spell his last name) played at Troy State with one of my friends that went there, some may remember him, Demetrius Summerville (the extremely cool and godly dairy stock dude at Wally World in PCB! Another reason I was for the Giants is because of Eli Manning, I video taped his first game as a starter at Ole Miss, he lit Murray State up for an SEC record 19 straight completions! Plus, the latest leak of Spygate really put a bad taste in my mouth about the Pats! If they really did tape the walk through of the Rams then they need the ring revoked and the victory nullified in the history books! Usually, during a typical walk through the team goes over the first ten plays of the opening drive and from this you can derive what weaknesses they are trying to exploit in the opposing teams defense. If the Pats knew this, they had a decisive and completely unfair advantage and their actions are deplorable!
As for my favorite sport of basketball, it looks like the Cats are improving. I am happy to see that they beat UT, which makes the season a little better! Another basketball note, Rajon Rondo is coming into his own which is good to see, but my favorite team to watch is the Warriors! They captivated me last season and never have disappointed me whenever they've been on the picture tube this season! It's just great unselfish, fast-pace basketball! I love the confidence that they have in each other and when someone takes a bad shot no one complains or pouts, they just hussle back on defense and Nelly lets them play!
Well, I guess I'll stop here and leave you with a few pics of the second best girl in my life.
Oh yeah, it took a trip to Chicago to get some pics from one friend to hang up in my house, am I going to have to travel the entire US to get some pictures from the rest of you folks???