The Life and Death of Saddam
First off, let me point something out to all my readers that don't take the opportunity to read the comments. I have recently been called a loyalty slut! I know, I know, try to hold back all the outrage and anger you have from reading those words in reference to yours truly!
I guess I'll conclude my remarks on my previous post about having a team, you can't hold it against a kid for falling in love with a particular type of play and then not being able to watch the type of play that his team resorted to and expect the know "grown up" to stay completely loyal to that team and that team alone. (This is all hypathetical mind you for I still bleed blue!) That's all I have to say on this topic for know.
Oh yeah, before I forget, I apologize for the length of time that it has taken me to create a new post, my internet has been acting very strange and each time that I would attempt to post it would get stuck and then it would tell me "cannot find server"! I wasn't too pleased with my internet provider at all and am still not entirely satisfied at this point in time.
Now to my post.
Upon receiving the news that the Iraqis decided to hang Saddam, I was bombarded with stories about his life. I was at work when I got the news, thus I got it over the radio. I heard that they were going to video tape so that we can be reassured that he really is dead. Thoughts of 2 Pac immediately popped into my head, by the way, how is he still making records 10 years after his death? If only we had some video that 2 Pac was really shot and died so that we could discount all the urban legends! On the next day I watched the History Channel and some other news documentaries about Saddams and his kids and the havoc they reaped on the Iraqis. My thoughts then went to my "while I was dead in sins" era and realized that Saddam lived the life that I wanted to live and just about everyone that has grown up in poverty wants to live. Fresh clothes, multiple mistress', all the power over an entire people group, no one telling you what to do, you answer to no one, it is the life that I coveted so much when I was a teenager! He literally "lived it up" as anyone should do if there was no punishment for sins. I then thought to myself about all the people that he senslessly killed and how much I wanted him to suffer for those people, but all he got was his life taken from him and how that seemed as such a little consequence for needlessly killing thousands of people. He was going to die anyways, he just died sooner than he would have and that's the only punishment that he received on earth. I then was so thankful that God is a just God and that He exercised justice on Saddam, but then thought to myself, what if Saddam would have submitted his life to Christ before he was put to death, meaning no eternal judgement for the numerous sins he committed. I was saddened by this thought, but then began to see more clearly that this is what I should desire for all people, that they fall in love with Him who knew no sin, but yet, while we were still the vilest of sinners, comparable to Saddam, God sent His only son to pay the price of my sin so that I can not fall madly in love with my former lusts, but become madly obsessed with knowing Him and making Him known. In realizing all of this, I began to analyze my life about how I am such a failure in marraige, in my walk with God, well in basically everything, but in all of my failure's His grace is sufficient, His mercy covers all of it. It's such an amazing thing, I almost called it a story, but it is not a story, it's reality, the truth, not fiction, and praise God for that!
I guess I'll conclude by saying, God is faithful to show us who He is even when we aren't pursuing Him whole heartedly; I'm very thankful that God is committed to me much more than I am committed to Him. Who would have thought that He would use the death of a dictator to teach me about myself, about my heavenly Father, and about the blood of Christ shed for me?
In the words of
Enter The Worship Circle: Third Circle:
"You set the lowly, in families,
You set the prisoners, free to sing,
You are my bliss; you are my drug; you are my addiction.
It's my joy, it's my joy, to give You praise!
You reign abundance; you shower love,
Refresh the weary, more than enough.
You are my bliss; you are my drug; you are my addiction.
It's my joy, it's my joy, to give You praise!"
As always, thanks for visiting and come back soon. Oh yeah, feel free not to watch the video, I haven't.
Message to E-Walk, your girl JJ Heller's song prompted many of these thoughts, the last verse of "Love Me" triggered the thoughts of Saddam being that guy. Thanks for the recommendation of her cd.